Sunday 23 June 2013

Recipe for Opening Heart Blockages


   Are You Suffering from Heart Diseases? 

Or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or Bypass? 

Before you undergo Angiography or Bypass treatment, you must try with confidence this remedy. You could be cured.
Reproduced for my readers from 
I have not corrected the bad English.

The day before someone suffered acute pain at the place of his heart and thereafter, experienced uncomforting which continued for quite some time. He then met VAID SAHAB (Dr in Auyerveda) and disclosed to him, that when the doctors performed Angiography on him, they advised Bypass as they discovered that 3 arteries were blocked and gave a date to operate after a month. 

During this period, that VAID prescribed the remedy below which he consumed exactly for a month. A day before his bypass operation, he arrived at the Cardiology Hospital in Mumbai and deposited Rs. 225,000 towards expenses for his Bypass surgery. After taking a close look at these results and his previous results, the Doctors then asked him if he took any medication after the previous tests were carried out. 

He told them of Vaid sahab prescribed remedy.

For Making Heart Vein Opening Drink 

1 cup Lemon juice
1 cup Ginger juice
1 cup Garlic juice
1 cup Apple cider vinegar

Mix all above and simmer in low heat for about 60 minutes or till solution reduces to 3 cups.

Remove solution to cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey and store it in a jar. 

Drink one tablespoon daily before breakfast. Your vein’s blockage will open in most cases. 

Enjoy your drink. Taste good too. 
(Diabetic? don't worry)

 Final Product


This article is freely available on the web. I am reproducing it for my readers.

Saturday 22 June 2013




            Cremation is devil worship by profanely desecrating the human
                  body, which is a good gift from God. Since Jesus died for His
                  elect's bodies, they have yet another reason not to cremate.  
                                                                            I Cor 6:19-20; I Cor 10:20-22


Genesis, the first chapter of the Bible, the holy book of Christians, says in no uncertain terms that God made man in his own image (1, v 26).  Catholic interpretation of human beings is that God made man a composite of three parts, the body, soul and spirit. Therefore, each part should be dedicated to His glory and He reserves the rights of how you treat yourself, in life and in death. The Bible forbids cremation. So does the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. The Protestants are ambivalent about post-death formalities and recommend burial. But in the Catholic church cremation is anathema.    

            Post-death formalities are listed by the Catholic church. The body is bathed, cleaned and dressed in spotless clothing. All mourners visit the bereaved and pay their last respects to the departed soul. The coffin is taken to deceased’s church in a procession. A Mass is held in  church and a specific ritual observed. Most often it is a hymn to open the service, a psalm after the first reading, a Communion hymn, and a hymn to end the service. At times, another hymn is sung during the offertory. In a Catholic church hymns are the means of communing with God and requesting the Almighty to take care of the soul of the deceased.

            A headstone is a marker that is placed over a grave about a year after the burial ceremony. This is because the deep grave needs to settle and one set of seasons is considered adequate. They generally bear the deceased's name, date of birth, and date of death inscribed on them, along with a short personal message. Many types of stones are used, with marble looking the most elegant, but the prudent man uses a granite headstone. Granite is hard and long lasting. Initially, it requires more work and skill to carve by hand. Modern methods of carving include use technology, with the ubiquitous computer controlling the creation of the letters, numbers and emblems virtually printed on the stone.  
An 800-year old Granite Headstone

