Sunday 19 March 2017



MICK: TWINKLE Computer store. Can I help you?
SANTA: Thank you. I'm setting up an office and I'm thinking about buying a computer.
MICK: Mac?
SANTA: No, the name's SANTA.
MICK: Your computer?
SANTA: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.
MICK: Mac?
SANTA: I told you, my name's SANTA.
MICK: What about Windows?
SANTA: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?
MICK: Do you want a computer with Windows?
SANTA: I don't know. What will I see when I look in the windows?
MICK: Wallpaper.
SANTA: What if I don't like wallpaper?
MICK: Just change it.
SANTA: Isn't that expensive?
MICK: No, it's free with Windows.
SANTA: I have to buy the Windows to get the wallpaper.
MICK: It's free if you buy the computer.
SANTA: They give you windows for your office if you buy a computer.
MICK: Certainly!
SANTA: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.
MICK: Software for Windows?
SANTA: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What have you got?
MICK: Office.
SANTA: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?
MICK: I just did.
SANTA: You just did what?
MICK: Recommend something.
SANTA: You recommended something?
MICK: Yes.
SANTA: For my office?
MICK: Yes.
SANTA: OK, what did you recommend for my office?
MICK: Office.
SANTA: Yes, for my office!
MICK: I recommend Office with Windows.
SANTA: I already have an office with windows! OK, let’s just say I'm at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?
MICK: Word.
SANTA: What word?
MICK: Word in Office.
SANTA: The only word in office is office.
MICK: The Word in Office for Windows.
SANTA: Which word in office for windows?
MICK: The Word you get when you click the blue "W".
SANTA: I'm going to click your blue "w" if you don't start with some straight answers. OK, forget that. Can I watch movies on the Internet?
MICK: Yes, you want Real.
SANTA: Sure I may want to watch a real one, maybe a cartoon. What I watch is none of your business. Just tell me what I need!
MICK: Real.
SANTA: Well, I don’t want a fake one!
MICK: Of course.
SANTA: So what do I get?
MICK: Real Player.
SANTA: Yes, I want a Real Player.
MICK: And you’ll have one.
SANTA: A Real Player?
MICK: Certainly.
SANTA: OK, I'm at my computer and I want to watch a movie. What do I do?
MICK: You click the blue "r".
SANTA: I click the blue what?
MICK: The blue "r".
SANTA: The blue “r” what?
MICK: Just the blue “r”
SANTA: The blue “r” what?
MICK: The blue “r” nothing.
SANTA: If the blue “r” nothing, how do I watch the movie?
MICK: You click the blue “r”
SANTA: Is that different from the blue w?
MICK: The blue "r" is the Real Player and the blue "W" is Word.
SANTA: What word?
MICK: The Word in Office for Windows.
SANTA: But there are three words in "office for windows"!
MICK: No, just one. But it's the most popular Word in the world.
SANTA: What is?
MICK: Word.
SANTA: Word?
MICK: Yes, but to be fair, there aren't many other Words left. Word pretty much wiped out all the other Words out there.
SANTA: Word?
MICK: Woooord, mate!
SANTA: I don’t know what you’re talking about! What about bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?
MICK: Money.
SANTA: That's right. What do you have?
MICK: Money.
SANTA: I need money to track my money?
MICK: It comes bundled with your computer.
SANTA: What's bundled with my computer?
MICK: Money.
SANTA: Money comes with my computer?
MICK: Yes. No extra charge.
SANTA: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?
MICK: One copy.
SANTA: Isn't it illegal to copy money?
MICK: Microsoft gave us a license to copy money.
SANTA: They can give you a license to copy money?
SANTA: Well, it's great that I'm going to get free money, but I'll still need to track it. Do you have anything for managing your money?
MICK: Managing Your Money? That program disappeared years ago.
SANTA: Well, what do you sell in its place?
MICK: Money.
SANTA: You sell money?
MICK: Of course. But if you buy a computer from us, you get it for free.
SANTA: That's all very wonderful, but I'll be running a business. Do you have any software for, you know, accounting?
MICK: Simply Accounting.
SANTA: Probably, but it might get a little complicated.
MICK: If you don't want Simply Accounting, you might try M.Y.O.B.
SANTA: M.Y.O.B.? What does that stand for?
MICK: Mind Your Own Business.
SANTA: I beg your pardon?
MICK: No, that would be I.B.Y.P. I said M.Y.O.B.
SANTA: Look, I just need to do some accounting for my home business. You know--accounting? You do it with money.
MICK: Of course you can do accounting with Money. But you may need more.
SANTA: More money?
MICK: More than Money. Money can't do everything.
SANTA: I don't need a sermon! Okay, let's forget about money for the moment. I'm worried that my computer might...what's the word? Crash. And if my computer crashes, what can I use to restore my data?
MICK: GoBack.
SANTA: Okay. I'm worried about my computer smashing and I need something to restore my data. What do you recommend?
MICK: GoBack.
SANTA: How many times do I have to repeat myself?
MICK: I've never asked you to repeat yourself. All I said was GoBack.
SANTA: How can I go back if I haven't even been anywhere? Okay, I'll go back. What do I need to write a proposal?
MICK: Word.
SANTA: What word?
MICK: Word in Office.
SANTA: Don’t start that again.
MICK: Hullo. . .Hullo. . . Customers, I tell you!


MICK: TWINKLE computer store. Can I help you?
SANTA: How do I turn my computer off?
MICK: Click on "START".
SANTA: Now don't you start that again....
MICK: But I thought you wanted to "STOP".
SANTA: That's right. This thing has been on for 3 days and I can't find the "STOP" button.
MICK: Click on "START".
SANTA: I don't wanna start!
MICK: But you have to click on "START".
SANTA: Why do I have to click on "START"?
MICK: So you can stop.....
SANTA: So I have to click on "START" to "STOP"?
MICK: That's so you can log off.
SANTA: I click "START" and then I log off.
MICK: That's right, you log off.
SANTA: I log off.
MICK: That's right, now go ahead and log off.
SANTA; What if I don't have a log. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FIREPLACE!!!!!
MICK: No, you don't need a log. You just want to get the computer out of Windows.
SANTA: Which ones?
MICK: Which what?
SANTA: Which Windows?
MICK: The only Windows you've got.
SANTA: So it doesn't matter which Windows?
MICK: You just want to get out of Windows.

(Sound of wood and metal scraping followed by breaking glass)

MICK: Hey, what was that?
SANTA: Oh, I threw the computer out the front windows!
MICK: You what?!!!
SANTA: You said it didn't matter which windows, so the front windows were closer than the back ones.... 

The Simple Method For Burning Off Dangerous “Visceral” Belly Fat...
and how one simple 2-minute ritual melts away this deadly fat surrounding your internal organs making you look instantly slimmer while reducing risk of sudden death.

***WARNING: Due to recent reports from viewers who have experienced accelerated fat loss please consult your physician if you experience more than 1 Kg per day of belly fat loss or more than 6 Kg per week. 
Visceral fat is technically excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. In other words, it's known as a “deep” fat that's stored further underneath the skin than “subcutaneous” belly fat. It's a form of gel-like fat that's actually wrapped around major organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys. This type of fat is not found anywhere else in the body and cannot be removed by liposuction. When in excess, it increases the chances of heart disease and diabetes. Removing subcutaneous fat, the fat just below the skin is not a viable solution as it grows back easily. Hence the importance of
removing visceral fat, something easily achieved by our solution.




I believe the original was written some 15 years ago by one Thomas King, but there are over 20 versions floating around on the net. I am grateful to whoever. . . I have no intentions of demeaning or making fun of anybody or any caste/creed/race. Similarities, if any, are purely coincidental.

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