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Tuesday, 26 March 2013



Are you suffering from heart diseases?
Or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or Bypass? 
Before you undergo Angiography or Bypass treatment, you must try with confidence this remedy. You could well be cured.
I am living testimony to this. However, I’d like to give you a second example. One particular individual suffered acute pain around his heart, which continued for quite some time. He then met his Ayurvedic Doctor and disclosed to him that when the doctors performed Angiography on him, they advised Bypass as they discovered that 3 arteries were blocked. They gave him a date for a byepass surgery, around a month later. 
During this period, that Ayurvedic Doctor prescribed the remedy below which he consumed  exactly for a month. A day before his bypass operation, he arrived at the Cardiology Hospital in Mumbai and deposited Rs. 225,000 towards expenses for his Bypass surgery. After taking a close look at these results and his previous results, the Doctors found nothing wrong and asked him if he had taken any medication after the previous tests were carried out. 
He told them of the Ayurvedic remedy.
For Opening Cardiac Artery Blockages  
1 cup Lemon juice
1 cup Ginger juice
1 cup Garlic juice
1 cup Apple cider vinegar
Mix all above and simmer in low heat for about 60 minutes or till solution reduces to 3 cups.
Remove solution to cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey and store it in a jar. Drink one tablespoon daily before breakfast. Your blockages will open in most cases.  


Friday, 22 March 2013




"The patent cliff is over. That’s great for large pharma, but that also means the opportunities theoretically have dried up for generics."
Kim Vukhac, Crédit Agricole.

            For the past fifty years or more, dispassionate and money hungry manufacturers of drugs for life-threatening diseases have fleeced the needy by charging up to and over 50 times the actual cost of making that drug. Their greedy days are about to end soon, as 2012 has seen landmark decisions in permitting registered pharmaceutical companies to produce and sell those drugs at their actual market price plus a fair margin. The volume of products sold to the needy will provide them their profit.
            Legally speaking, a generic drug must replicate the same constituents as the original drug. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “generic drugs are identical or within an acceptable bioequivalent range to the brand-name counterpart with respect to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. By extension, therefore, generics are considered (by the FDA) identical in dose, strength, route of administration, safety, efficacy, and intended use.” In all cases, generic products are available to the public at large when the patent expires. In such a case, market competition leads to much lower prices for both the high-priced exclusive branded product and the generic forms.
            Consider the case of Statins. Cardiac specialists were enticed into recommending Statins to supposedly regulate the bad Cholesterol in a patient’s cardio-vascular system. The gullible proletariat ended up paying hard earned money that could be considered extortion. Today, many Cardiologists do not prescribe Statins, perhaps 10 mg a day. This contrast is not obvious in terms of US$. In India, the price has dropped from Rs. 56/- a pill to Rs. 2.40/- Chemotherapy is now within reach of the common man. 

            Things can only improve with time. Bye, shyster!