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Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Fiefdom Of HALWARA

Blandings Halwara

 If Tezpur was good fun, Halwara was a fiefdom.  The  Overlord was Gp Capt NC Chatrath, VRC. He would drive in truly majestic fashion, reaching his office at 0900 hrs on the dot. He would pack up at 1000 hrs on the dot. The station ran beautifully. He actually believed in de-centralisation and not just lip service, much in vogue today. He was a  passionate Bridge player, with his wife Pam as his partner. His instructions on the subject were explicit. Two more offrs were required to form the quorum; these two were Flt Lt Driver and myself. A Fg Offr Shome was on standby. Our COs had been ordered to ensure that we flew two sorties by 1000 hrs. 1100 hrs onwards was Bridge time. For those who have read PG Wodehouse, he was Lord Emsworth personified. I won’t disclose the name of “The EMPRESS of Blandings.”

The Sqn Adjt, one Flt Lt Guni Sehgal was quite a bum, despised by all. He was subjected to a blanket parade one evening, as he came out of the swimming pool. He went from bad to worse thereafter, pushing junior offrs around. At that point in time, we were unaware of the ‘goings on’. A Court of inquiry was in progress, presided over by a Sqn Ldr, the Terms of Reference of which required identification of Offrs who had consorted with a promiscuous 16 yr old servant’s daughter. Revelations showed that many Sqn Ldrs were involved, requiring a change of  Presiding Officer. One Wg Cdr was implicated and the Inquiry was finally conducted by old Pop  Wadhawan, who himself had 10 children, 8 of whom were adopted. He was very simple and popular and somehow extricated the entire lot of sinners, who contributed 200 bucks each to the welfare of the servant concerned. 

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